Sunday, October 17, 2010

My journey to become a female DJ

I'm T. (fake name by the way)

I'm restless.

I'm in early 20s.

I'm addicted to facebook. (who doesn't?)

I wish to be single.

It's Sunday and for the first time in a long time, I stayed at home. This online diary is for me to learn to be a dj, a good one, and plans towards my goal. I'm giving myself one year to practice, and my ultimate goal for now is to DJ in a cool club, in a sexy dress :).

I know nuts about music. Really. I'm not sure if I can do this. Practice makes perfect eh?


FIRST STEP for now is to enrol to a DJ school. I ody found the school I like, and I have just emailed the incharge. It's 2 hour session (16 hours), basic, one/two days a week, night, flexible, 600 dollars, private one-to-one. If possible, I wish to start next month.

SECOND STEP : Put 600 to a side and don't touch it. So when my pay comes in 5 days time, 1.8-0.3-0.2-0.6-0.2= 0.5 (left for life expenses). So basically no much shopping from now on.

THIRD PLAN: buy an apple/mac laptop, and dj equipments for practice. Budget would be 5 k at least argh. So basically I would need to save 600 a mth for 8 fukin months! Wth how to practice like that? *Sniff sniff* Wait i got 1 k saving, so i will need 6 mths to get it.

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