Tuesday, October 19, 2010


Took mc today. Slept til 3 pm. went to cut off the insurance thingy in bank coz couldn't afford the 10 bucks cut each month. I know. And increase my savings from 300 to 500 as I need to save up for DJ equitment. Maybe 5 months is enough.

Then went to the clinic. Coincidencely met some colleagues that should'nt supposed to meet, went to dinner and pool with them. Talked. Gossiped. Smoked 2 cigarretes. Maybe 3. I was pretty good at pool I realised :). Beat the guy once. Just need more practice. I guess.

Pool game is very important for guys. So is DJ. And guys always look down on gals. I wanna be good in these 2 games. That's my new target. To show the world that gals can be as good as guys. Once a week is good? Practice makes perfect eh?

Updates about the DJ plan. Still thinking of when to start. Should I read/study abit first, or go straight to classes? Have been watching some videos. Have better idea on what DJ really is. Echo, scratching. Only know those two. Gonna email back the lady, maybe gonna start the class next month. Will put at least 600 bucks a side. still owe sis alot of money. So my pay is going to be in 3 days. 1800 - 200 (mum) - 150 (rental) - 10 (NTUC) - 500 (saving) - 700 (course) = 450 for daily use. Gonna stop shopping and bring homecook meals.

Good that each day now is different. Could be boring, but at least different. Now I'm a Yes man, and truth is I'm having fun :). Last nite i said ok to the invitation to dinner at french frens' house. It was kinda boring, but it's new stuff :)

Still wish to be single. March it is. I'm gonna be freee! Do love him. But can't stand the long distance any longer. Hope he won't get too upset. Think the army is going to distract him. Relationship is a stupid thing, think he should be realised it by now lol. I am sad, but I need the freedom more now.

Tomorrow's plan:

* Email back the lady/ think again. Get ready 2 more months of money first before start.

* Watch out my diet.

* Have 2 eggs for breakie.

* Learn more about DJ.

* Clean the room more.

Cant think anymore. NIght

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